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1st Indo-Pacific Business Summit (06-08 July 2021)

Posted on: July 03, 2021 | Back | Print

1st Indo-Pacific Business Summit (06-08 July 2021)

Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) in partnership with the Ministry of External Affairs, Govt of India is organizing the first Indo-Pacific Business Summit from 6-8 July 2021 over a virtual platform.

Programme outline and other details of the Summit may please be seen on link http://www.indopacificsummit.com/ and http://www.indopacificsummit.com/programme.html. Persons interested to join the event are required to register on link https://www.ciihive.in/SignUp.aspx?EventId=INDPACIFIC. The Business Summit will have participation of Governments, Enterprises, Business Chambers, Think Tanks & Academia from the countries in the region. The Summit will have focussed sessions on how India and the countries in Indo Pacific Region can enhance economic partnership and collaborate for future economic development. The Summit will also have a Virtual Business Exhibition.

EAM’s keynote address on 06 July 2021: 0700-0830 hrs (CST) during the Inaugural session (Link: Join Zoom Meeting https://ciionline.zoom.us/j/99032598291... Meeting ID: 990 3259 8291, Pass code: 722884) and CIM’s address to the Special Plenary with Trade Ministers of the Region (07 July 2021 from 0400-0530 hrs CST (Link: Join Zoom Meeting https://ciionline.zoom.us/j/99032598291... , Meeting ID: 990 3259 8291, Pass code: 722884) are highlights of the Business Summit.

The Summit will also be addressed by three other Union Ministers of India: Minister for Health & Family Welfare, Minister of Women and Child Development and Minister of State for Power, New & Renewable Energy.